The Beta Kappa Chapter of Delta Sigma Pi has been the premier co-ed business fraternity on The University of Texas at Austin’s campus since 1930. With over 85 active members who are driven to develop themselves, the fraternity, and the community around us, the Beta Kappa chapter upholds Delta Sigma Pi’s motto as “America’s Foremost Professional Fraternity.” Scroll down to learn more about our three pillars of professionalism, community service, and brotherhood.
As the most professional fraternity on campus, brothers are afforded valuable opportunities to develop themselves. Each semester, the chapter hosts events to benefit its brothers as well as the community as a whole. These events include resume workshops, mock interviews, networking events, hosting guest speakers, and more. The fraternity includes a network of accomplished alumni who live around the world. This fall, the fraternity is seeking driven individuals who are committed to bettering themselves and their community.
Delta Sigma Pi is committed to helping its brothers build relationships that last a lifetime. The chapter hosts many events throughout the year that allow brothers to further connect with one another. Each member of a new pledge class is given a “big” and thus introduced into a family line. Families become a support group for each other. The Beta Kappa chapter is proud of the strong bonds it’s helped nourish over the last 90 years. Find your family with Delta Sigma Pi. Click below to learn more about the lifelong friendships waiting for you!
Giving back to the community is an important aspect of the fraternity. Every year, the Beta Kappa chapter contributes thousands of dollars to support charities, providing brothers with an opportunity to improve the lives of others. In addition, each pledge class collectively raises money for a charity of their choice. Just a few of the organizations pledge classes have raised money for include the Pujols Family Foundation, Breast Cancer Resource Center, Lang Stuttering Institute, National Alliance on Mental Illness, among others. Click below to learn more about the difference you can make.

Avi Mehta
Beta Theta, President
President’s Letter
Hi! Thank you for your interest in Delta Sigma Pi!
I’d love to tell you about our chapter and why we consider ourselves to be the premier co-ed professional business fraternity at The University of Texas at Austin.
For almost 100 years, the Beta Kappa chapter of DSP has been the mold of an effective, inclusive, and successful professional organization. Our chapter’s growth is focused on three pillars: Brotherhood, Professionalism, and Community Service, which mean a lot to us as an organization. Our members have a sense of pride and can attest to how DSP has changed their college experience. Personally, I’ve met my closest friends and mentors through DSP. We are truly a family and each brother will tell you the same.
During my pledging semester in DSP, I truly understood that I was capable of so much. I felt that the people around me pushed me to be more motivated, social, and prepared, and I truly feel like DSP gave my journey in college a sense of direction. Some of my fondest memories in college come from that exciting time of my life.
I utilize our extensive, successful alumni network as much as I can, learning from so many smart people who have reached the heights that I want to reach as well. Our brothers have also played a role in founding some of the professional organizations on campus, which showcases our driven attitude. On top of that, our organization is welcoming and understanding, so it’s never intimidating to ask for help!
I highly encourage you to come to an info session and talk to a few of our brothers to see what we’re about—even if you’re just a little interested! I’m looking forward to meeting you all soon, and wish you luck this semester!